Friday 15 July 2011

i loved it.

but then it was such a disappointment at the same time :( at first it seemed like it was gonna be direct with the book but then so much changed it was silly. the whole battle was completely different and you didnt even see hagrid til the very end. and one of the best fights of the whole series was dimmed down so much in the movie (molly v bellatrix) it was horrible :( and they added so much crap it just to make it good for the cinema like voldemorts strangling robes and stupid little comments the whole way through which make it seem so not serious when its meant to be tense and scary and amazing.

but other than that i really liked it. i didnt enjoy the 13 year olds sat behind us in wigs though, they were annoying.


Thursday 14 July 2011



Monday 11 July 2011

i've just watched deathly hallows part 1 with my mum and have been taken back in time and getting extremely nostalgic for my childhood. i was trying to remember when i first got into harry potter, and it was in cannock. we had two women live next door to us, i only remember one of their names, louise, and me and my mum always used to go round and i remember one of them lending me the goblet of fire and saying they'd think i'd really enjoy it. its so strange thinking about it because i was no older than luke is now, and i cant imagine being that young and reading harry potter. then i started thinking about everything else in cannock and how so unreal it all seems now. i remember the school i went to, pye green valley, and my teacher miss orr and actually have people argue over who was friends with me on my first few days there. and there was a tuck trolley and a silly computer game that you played with the person next to you in the register. i remember i played against danny kay, he always won the game and i was the first person to beat him on it. and i think i had a little crush on him, i remember us chasing each other on the way home after school once. i remember my best friend, nikki smith, gave me a best friend necklack, it was in the shape of a heart, blue and sparkly and had dolphins on it... i think i've still got my half in my jewelerry box and i remember playing the top 40 chart in the garden on my little portable radio every sunday. and our next door neighbours dogs molly hooch and deefa. aand i remember always going to the library with my mum, we'd book half an hour slots on the computer and go on the beano website and play games and i was such a bookworm even then, i brought stacks of books home all the time, like matilda! haha. i remember a woman giving me 50p to get an easter egg once too, and i could actually buy one. then we moved back to weymouth to stonehill court flats, in wyke by the castle and overlooking the sea. i remember going back to my primary school to visit because id be joining again in year 5, and i remember seeing all my old friends and being so happy. there was a new girl who joined too called jodie, and i cant remember who it was but someone came up and gave me a smell gel pen and said it was from jodie, i had no idea who she was but we became best friends when i joined again. i remember borrowing pecan from jade, a bear beanie baby, and i used to go round the back of the flats and make dens and i had such a vivid imagination because i could spend so much time with that bear and grew so attached to it. i was so upset when i had to give it back to jade, so i went and bought my own pecan, but he wasnt the same because he's faced was lopsided and different to jades pecan and his fur was all soft whereas jades pecan was quite rough. and i remember getting all the harry potter books for christmas too. and i used to get robot wars magazine and fbx (for boys only) magazines and i remember drawing matilda the robot. and i remember that massive stick insect that we found over the kitchen door and being absolutely terrified and we had no idea what it was because it was far too thick to be a stick insect but it was really long too, my parents both said they thought it was from overseas and come in on a boat or something. i remember going to weymouth library too and being so excited when i turned 11 because i could finally get books from the red section and i read sabrina the teenage witch books loads then. i remember steve and julie coming over to the flat and lucy was so young and luke was still a baby. thats when we first started talking to them again.
but thinking back it all seems so so unreal, it feels like its a dream, i remember it all clearly but i remember it as if it wasnt me. i'd do absolutely anything to relive all that, or even to just see it again just so i can remember little things im sure im forgetting. like what my friends names were or what that silly game was or the books i read and just little things. its crazy how one thing i remembered has led to so much, and how now it seems like a completely different life, and how difficult its gonna be for me to snap out of this day dream now.


Sunday 10 July 2011

i read a child called it last night and wow was that depressing. i dont honestly believe its all true because some of it is just a bit ridiculous but even so, its still an awful book and although he went through absolute hell, so do millions of other kids so why should he now be leeching in the money because of it. but fair enough he's helping other people and all that. blaah, i just disagree with it and generally dont like it.

but now im reading the lovely bones which seems to be another depressing book. i've gone from harry potter to child abuse and murder, its a bit of a shock to the system really.

i have three days off now :) tomorrow im going to get an emergency appointment at the ortho about the gap thats not closed up. i really hope she can close it by next week because i am so so so excited about getting my braces off, but if i have a gap for the rest of my life i know im going to regret not waiting that extra week or so to get it closed up. but hopefully giving it this next 2 weeks now will help. i just want them off already!

i also really wanna get another ear piercing because me and jake have been looking at loads and he's getting two done in his ear tomorrow or sometime this week and i reeally want another one, but as stupid as it sounds piercings really scare me, i'd much rather go through the dragged out pain of a tattoo for some reason. maybe its because piercings are actually going completely through and is one sharp horrible pains whereas tattoo is one long dull miserable bearable pain. i dunno, maybe i should just man up and get on with it. bit like stealth.

but other than that i dont have much else left to say. im excited for the next two weeks 'cos quite a lot is happening and i think it'll go really fast :) i cant wait to watch harry potter and i cant wait to have a nice big straight shiney smile (a trip to boots for whitening strips may be needed to complete the process. dont judge me jake.)



Saturday 9 July 2011

well for a second there i thought i was gonna be hairless.

i decided my extensions needed a washed and did it wrong (and by wrong i mean i washed it as if it was my real hair) and it got so knotty i had to break most of the hair out just so i could kind of brush it. so they're quite alot thinner but at least they survived the journey!

got work tonight 7-11 :( meant to have the whole day and night off, which would've been nice for a saturday, but paul asked me to come in so someone could go and help over at the other bar. only 4 hours but i would have preferred not to :/

just finished reading the last harry potter book aswell, its so amazing! almost cried and it gave me so many goosebumps through the entire last part of it, i cannot wait for the film! so i booked me and jake midnight tickets :D

i dunno who im working with tonight, but no doubt if alex is there he will have a hissy fit about me leaving before close down. i am not staying for it though, god i hate close downs.

anyway short and sweet for now 'cos its work time :( au revoir!


Monday 4 July 2011

jake's just reminded me i never blog, and i do actually have quite alot to blog about!

had a loovely week last week, me and jake went to thorpe park and it was soo great :) we went on quite a few rides, including stealth to my surprise, and they were all great despite the fact i wanted to get off as soon as i got on. next time ill be more brave and might not tense so much. i was thinking about going again in september when hopefully it wont be as busy, im dying to go again its so addictive!

i havent reeally been working too much, ive been given a few days off a week leading up to peak so i get rest and stuff which is quite nice. and works quite fun at the moment anyway, it goes quite quickly and everyone i work with is great. lukes just got a job in the kitchen which is great, but jeesus everyone works there now! look what happened from my trip to the job center...

i gots a new big tv! which im very happy about because i can play games properly now seeing as my other tv was actually miniscule, so i've been catching up on la noire which i appreciate alot more when its big.

just had quite a nice evening having a bbq up bowleaze with jake george and luke. i do feel a little bit funny now but it could really just be a mix of loads of things, and the fact i havent eaten very fatty foods in a while (which i am quite proud to say is true, i havent been eating amazingly and exercising regularly, but i havent had a burger or potnoodle or pizza in a while, not nearly as much as i used to anyway) and maybe its the fact that im on what feels like my 4th time of the month this month. my hormones are everywhere, i never really noticed that i get pms or whatever it is but i've been feeling so miserable and down and easily aggravated today its weird. maybe im just like that normally though.

i get my braces off reeeall soon and i get pressies off jakey soon which im super excited about! i really need to get out of my overdraft at the moment, i think i need to curb the spending again so i can have a decent amount.. im actually a little worried about it all this month. ive never wanted to move out so much but god it'll be so expensive. i would love to have a place to actually call my own, and decorate and everything. thats what thing im really looking forward to in life, even if it is a tiny one bedroom flat or something i dont care at the moment.

but other than all that im pretty happy with everything at the moment. things are going well its summer theres alot of good things coming up i have a decent job and a lovely boyfriend, im actually very lucky to have it all and im sure i dont appreciate it all enough but im very thankful for all of it as much as i whinge on about things all the time.

so jakey theres your blog, im sorry its boring and dull buuut
